ETRAC Study, report and strategy

A report entitled Impacts of Covid on the Development of Ethical Tourism was undertaken as part of this research project. The report outlines the main issues faced by tourism businesses and other actors across the Arctic region.

Strategy for an Ethical Tourism Recovery

In consultation with a range of actors, the project identified future steps to be taken in delivering an ethical tourism recovery, which together can be considered a strategy emerging from this project*:

1- Destination Management Organisations should develop a series of networks of tourism businesses, encouraging peer-to-peer learning and development, as well as acting as a conduit for understanding the ongoing needs of the sector. The networks can be used to promote opportunities for targeted training and collaboration, as well as sharing best practices among local and international networks.
2- Governments, public agencies and the wider tourism industry should focus attention on structural challenges to ethical tourism recovery, especially in rural and remote communities. These challenges include, but are not limited to: availability of affordable housing for communities and hospitality staff; inadequate internet access in certain areas; barriers to the recruitment and retention of staff within the tourism sector.
3- On a regional or national scale, a collaborative approach must be taken, involving communities, businesses, DMOs and local/municipal authorities, to encourage a change in tourist behaviour. The main objectives of this effort are to halt unsustainable and irresponsible tourism presence within certain favoured areas, while redirecting tourists to less-visited sites in order to share the financial benefits of the tourism sector.
4- At a local level, collaborative structures must be developed in order to strategically develop approaches to tourism in collaboration with local communities. This involves developing structures and practices through which to collaborate, as well as developing willingness from all sides to engage in a process which could be designed to benefit all parties.

*This strategy is currently in draft form, with these aspects subject to change until it is finalised.